Schlagwort-Archive: noise


Virginia Genta (amplified saxophones), Brandon Lopez (bass) and David Vanzan (drums) get together as JOOKLO TRIO to deliver some heavy electric jams where free improvisation can take the most dark and frightening shapes through feedbacks, screams and scatterings. A surprising fusion of noise, punk and jazz always on the edge between known and unknown, good and evil, black and white, in and out, up and down…

Blowing minds all over the world since 2004 with hundreds of charming performances and some cult records, JOOKLO DUO (Virginia Genta on reeds, flutes, piano, percussion and David Vanzan on drums) keeps spreading their powerful and uniquely vibrant sound, deeply rooted in free jazz avant-garde but heavily influenced by traditional folk music, and at the same time open to extreme sound experiments. Over the years the perpetual research for new and challenging combinations has led Genta and Vanzan to form a large variety of ensembles and to collaborate with artists as Bill Nace, Chris Corsano, Thurston Moore, Dror Feiler, Dylan Nyoukis, Hartmut Geerken, Makoto Kawabata, Mette Rasmussen and many others. The duo has also been working with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company alongside John Paul Jones and Takehisa Kosugi, performing for “Nearly Ninety” in main theatres in Madrid and London, and has been a long time favourite of emblematic figures such as Henry Rollins, WFMU radio, the Wire, etc…

BRANDON LOPEZ Improviser/Composer Brandon A. Lopez has been deemed the “Ubiquitous Free Improv Bass Ace” by the Village Voice and said to play with a “Bruising Physicality” by the Chicago Reader. He was born and raised in the splendors of Northwestern New Jersey, in the shadow of the (New York) city. It was there that he cultivated a taste for left-of-center music and subsequently, dug graves. He’s had the pleasure of working with many of the world’s luminary, left-of-center musicians and is a frequent collaborator with Weasel Walter, Nate Wooley, Mette Rasmussen, Gerald Cleaver, Peter Evans, Ingrid Laubrock, Dave Rempis, just to name a few. He has toured and played prestigious halls, DIY basements, and festivals all across North America and the European Continent. He currently leads a piano trio dubbed “Mess” with Sam Yulsman and Chris Corsano. He frequently plays solo. He is also the 2018 Artist in Residence at Issue Project Room and a 2018 VAN LIER FELLOW at Roulette, NYC. He attended New England Conservatory.